Does Skeleton Creek reek? (Spoilers, well kind of)

Skeleton Creek by: Patrick Carman
This book I have mixed emotions about. It isn't that great. The only thing I really liked was the mystery element and the videos that came along with the book. It begins with Ryan, our main character, writting in his journal (The whole book is his journal) talking about an accident that happened. It's quite boring from here on out. Eventually you get to a video code that you can watch on http://www.sarahfincher.com/. You find out something is in an old machine that has been broken down for years. That is where Ryan had his accident and broke his leg. Sarah moves away and Ryan is left to explore the mysteries of Skeleton Creek and the thing they saw.
I liked the start of the book, it was boring, but it was pretty interesting. The rest was not my cup of tea. I found to many plot twists and suspects to keep track of. Now that may just be me and my love of mysteries making my brain think that everyone is a suspect, but everyone in the book had some dirt on them made me become suspicious. The videos where quite fun to watch, but couldn't make up for the whining and complaining of Ryan. I found alot of things that could have been better in the book, but after all...this is just a review, A BOOK REVIEW! Thanks for reading.